He was also teaching Advanced Structural Design for the Master Degree Course in Structural Engineering of the Pisa University.
He was member of the Teachear’s Board of the Ph Doctoral School “Leonardo da Vinci” of the Pisa University.
He is member of the Teachear’s Board of the International Ph Doctoral School in “Civil and Environmental Engineering” of the Florence, Brunswick, Pisa Universities.
He is Convenor of HG-B (Horizontal Group for Bridges) of CEN/TC250 “Structural Eurocodes”.
He is Convenor of AHG (Ad Hoc Group) Crane supporting Structures of CEN/TC250 “Structural Eurocodes”.
He was Vice-Head of the Department of Structural Engineering of the Pisa University until 31/12/2008.
He was President of the Master Degree in Structural Engineering of the Pisa University.
He has been responsible of the Pisa Research Unit in several research programme founded by ECSC, like Novel Jointing Systems for the Automated Production of Light Gauge Steel Elements – ECSC-Steel 2000 Programme – Contract n. 7210-PR-252.
Improvement and extension of design rules for cold-formed structural hollow sections – ECSC-Steel 2000 Programme – Contract n. 7210-PR-253.
Lateral Torsional Buckling in Steel & Composite Beams – ECSC-Steel 1997 Programme -Contract n. 7210-PR-183, or by relevant Italian industries like FIAT and Brollo and Associations like Assobeton (Italian concrete association).
He has been Responsible of the Italian Resarch Unit for the Leonardo da Vinci Projects “Development of Skills facilitating implementation of Eurocodes – Pilot Project CZ/02/B/F/PP-134007.”; “Transfer of innovations provided in Eurocodes” LdV Project 2008 CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134020; “Vocational Training in Assessment of Existing Structures – LdV Project 2011 CZ/11/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005.
He is Responsible of the Italian Resarch Unit for the Leonardo da Vinci Projects “Innovation Transfer in Risk Assessment and Management of Aging Infrastructures” LdV 2013: CZ/13/LLP-LdV/TOI/134014.
He is responsible of the Research funded by the Municipality of Florence regarding the Assessment of the Seismic Vulnerability of more than 80 masonry school in Florence as well as of the Mandela Forum Sport Hall.
He has been member of:
“Ad Hoc Group for Limit State Concepts in Bearings” of CEN/TC 167.
Project Team n. 6, CEN/TC250/SC1/PT6 which studied ENV 1991-3 – Traffic loads on bridges
Project Team n. 2 CEN/TC250/SC1/PT2, concerning EN 1991-2 – Traffic loads on bridges
Project Team n. 4 CEN/TC250/SC1/PT4, concerning EN 1991-4 – Actions on cranes and machinery.
Working Commission 1 (WC1) Structural Performance, Safety and Analysis of IABSE
Ad Hoc Group “Robustness” of CEN/TC250
He is member of:
CEN/TC 250 Structural Eurocodes
CG (Coordination Group) of CEN/TC250
HG-B (Horizontal Group for Bridges) of CEN/TC250 “Structural Eurocodes”, of which he is convenor
Ad Hoc Group “Crane supporting structures” of CEN/TC250”, of which he is convenor
Ad Hoc Group “Fatigue” of CEN/TC250
Ad Hoc Group “Reliability Background” of CEN/TC250/SC10
SC1 “Actions” CEN/TC250;
PT1/WG7 “Basis of Design” of CEN/TC250/SC10
WG “Bridges” SC1 del CEN/TC250, of which he is vice-convenor
WG2 “Existing structures” of CEN/TC250
SC10 “Basis of Design” of CEN/TC250
Italian Committee for Structural Engineering of UNI.
Working Commission “Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete” of AICAP.
Commissions entrusted by the National Council of Public Works to draft the new Italian Structural Codes and the NADs to Eurocodes;
WG of entrusted by the National Council of Public Works to draft the Guidelines for the seismic assessment of heritage structures.
He is referee of several international journals.
He is author of more than 240 paper published on relevant International and National Journals and Congress Proceedings.
His research activity is mainly devoted to:
Heritage structures;
Low-cycle fatigue in steel and concrete structures;
Dynamic identification methods and monitoring of structures, with particular reference to historical buildings and bridges;
Fatigue in steel and concrete structures as well as suspension bridges;
Orthotropic steel deck bridges;
Repair and strengthening techniques for fatigue damaged structures;
Traffic actions on bridges;
Climatic actions and climate change;
Structural reliability;
Bayesian updating techniques;
Non-linear analysis of masonry buildings;
Seismic design;
Fatigue load spectra;
Seismic retrofitting and rehabilitation of existing structures;
Strength and ductility of structural hollow sections;
Innovative design of steel-concrete composite bridges and lightweight structures;
Non linear and plastic analysis of steel and concrete structures;
Non-linear behavior of cable structures;
Structural identification methods;
Vibration isolation;
Bell dynamics
Prenormative research;
Innovative building techniques;
Fire resistance;
Structural Codes.
He is member of the Expert Committee for the Emergency Management after the 14/08/2018 collapse of the Polcevera Bridge (also known as Morandi Bridge) in Genoa.
He has been member of the Expert Committee supporting the choice of the demolition techniques of the remains of the above mentioned Morandi Bridge as well as of the choice of the new bridge.
He is member of the Steering Committee for the Revamping and Updating of the General Hospital “Umberto I” in Rome.
Orcid id: 0000-0003-1503-9234
Orcid link
Scopus id: 7007129183
Scopus link
List of publications at University of Pisa